Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Steve - Managing Director & Owner

Meet the Team - Steve the

Logged dives & dive credentials?

3000+ dives, PADI OWSI & RYA Yachtmaster Offshore with commercial endorsement. I 'lived the dream' working in the dive industry for 16 years in places like the Red sea - Egypt, parts of Africa, Mediterranean and Thailand. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about diving in some form.

Role at Mike's Dive Store?

I’m the Managing Director & owner of Mike’s Dive Store and I love the diversity of my job. Probably one of my favourite parts is the problem solving aspect, especially when we have customers coming into the store about to leave on their dive trip of a lifetime and we’ve got just 4 hours (!) to pull together every piece of equipment needed to make sure their trip is as enjoyable as it can be without a worry! And somehow we always pull it off! I also love the challenge of running a successful Dive Store within the ever changing parameters of the constantly changing world of retail and e-commerce which continues to throw curve balls at every turn. I started off a dive instructor and have ended up an excel expert - How did that happen! :) Keep those challenges coming!

Most memorable diving moment?

It was in the middle of the night at Daedalus in the Red Sea when I was working in the industry – it was my job to tie the boat to the mooring line so we could stay overnight. This particular night we’d arrived really late due to rough weather conditions – and if you know Daedalus you’ll also know it’s renowned for its unpredictably strong currents & pelagics (like Hammerheads, Grey Reef sharks and Manta's etc..). So I was diving on my own in the pitch black, 15 metres beneath the boat, trying to tackle the current, secure the mooring line and all I could see were shadows moving all around me, I was literally too terrified to turn my torch in the direction of the shadows in fear of what I would see.

Favourite type of diving and why?

For me, diving is the ultimate form of meditation that allows me to relax 100%. So my favourite type of diving is with as few people as possible, heading out super early in the morning around 5.30am, where there’s just you, the water and total quiet. It’s totally addictive.

Current favourite dive equipment and why?

Safety is paramount so I have my list of trusty favourites that include the Dive rite travel pack with Atomic SS1 alternate, Mares carbon regulator & Suunto Eon Steel with tank pod, then a D6i with transmitter as my backup. It’s funny because when I turn up for a dive, fellow divers are amazed that I have 2 hoses coming out of my first stage, there’s no octo hose, no high pressure hose or gauge because I have the complete kit, consolidated. I’m a bare minimum kind of guy, less is more!

Dive destination still on your Bucket list and why?

I’m dying to get to Papua New Guinea because it’s the last untouched wilderness.

All-time favourite marine creature & why?

As we all know, not every dive is filled with weird and wonderful things to look at – I’ve had my fair share of uneventful dives which has certainly made me appreciate the small stuff. So my current favourites are Spanish Dancers & Sea Goddess – NUDIBRANCHES all the way!

Cat - Showroom Manager

Cat - Showroom Manager

Logged dives and dive credentials

1000+ PADI Master Instructor and EFR Instructor with over 1000 certifications from Open Water to Divemaster, I have assisted on 10 IDCs.

I learned to scuba dive in Dahab, Red Sea end of 2002 and by the following Easter when I went back to do my Advanced I knew I would be a dive pro one day. I qualified as a Divemaster in 2010 and instructor in 2017. I teach freelance at London School of Diving where I am also the Lead Instructor.

Role at Mikes' Dive Store

Chiswick HQ Store Manager

Most memorable diving moment?

I have 100s of memorable moments diving with ragged tooth sharks from my time working as a dive guide at the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town for two years, and diving the Thistlegorm in the Red Sea was a bucket list moment for me.

Favourite type of diving and why?

Shore diving, where I can just walk into the water. Easy, no fuss diving.

Current favourite dive equipment and why?

Any O'Neill Sector wetsuit, I have three at various thicknesses. Easy to put on and fits me like a glove. I also would be lost without my Tusa Ceos mask, again I have three and as any instructor can attest, Mares Avanti Quatro fins ARE the best. Period.

Dive destination still on your bucket list and why?

Raja Ampat and PNG. It is my absolute dream to visit and dive Hawaii.

All-time favourite marine creature and why?

Whale shark. I was on a liveboard in Maldives and two whale sharks hung out the back of the boat one evening. I was close to tears with happiness and hung out with them for hours, taking about 500 photos in the process. They are so graceful and beautiful.

Jenna - Customer Support Advisor

Jenna - Customer Support Advisor

Logged dives & dive credentials?

I learnt to dive in 1996 and trained as a PADI open water and speciality instructor. I’ve mostly taught in Cornwall and Australia but have had the pleasure of diving and being on or in the water throughout the world.

Role at Mike's Dive Store?

Customer support advisor. I’m here to help you with your query, questions about products or even if you just need a little more information. Each day is different, and I love to be helpful especially when I know the product is going to bring enjoyment! Being passionate about the sport and talking to others that have the same outlook makes my job very rewarding – who else can say they get to talk about their passion day in day out!

Most Memorable Diving Moment?

I have been spoilt with some of the big sharks and a scary Irukanji encounter while in Australia (which resulted in a medivac to hospital!). However, my favourite was a little dive between Sennen and St Ives in Cornwall - taking a group of newly qualified divers out to experience the fun and frolics of the seals. No seals were out to play only a basking shark and the bizarre sunfish (this was the only time I had ever seen one under the water and not basking on the surface) I was so excited to see both amazing creatures in one dive!

Favourite type of diving and why?

Being a Cornish girl there is nothing better than the crisp sea on the north coast of Cornwall, but I love all types of diving whether it’s in warm waters or cold. I enjoy seeing wildlife that not everyone gets to appreciate and having that moment of calm taking in the view.

Current favourite dive equipment and why?

I’m a sucker for anything that is sleek and looks good! Hence why I love my Ocean Reef Space Extender full face mask.

My Suunto D5 is my favourite piece of equipment as it is so easy to use and I have a little collection of colourful straps so I can wear every day even when I’m not diving.

Dive destination still on your Bucket list and why?

I would love to visit Vanuatu and dive the many reefs and wrecks. There is still time..!

All time favourite marine creature & why?

Have seen and experienced many varieties of shark and although they would normally be a firm favourite, I still am so thankful I have seen a fair few weedy Sea dragons – I do like the bizarre and wonderfully different!

Warehouse Superhero Team

Meet the Team - Warehouse Worriors

 We, at Mike's Dive Store, take pride in the dedication and hard work of our exceptional warehouse team. From the very moment you place an order with them, our team is committed to ensuring that your shopping experience is as seamless and enjoyable as possible. They meticulously handpick and pack your items, install prescription lenses with the utmost care and attention before shipping them out to you promptly. Their aim is to provide you with the best service possible. 

Our Superhero Warehouse TM, we salute you!

Solomon - HQ Dispatch and Sales

Logged Dives and Credentials?

Meet the Team - Solomon

Initially, as a filmmaker, I've only been diving for 11 months. I'm a Liquid Motion Underwater Cinematography graduate and I have my SDI Advanced, SDI Nitrox and PADI Drysuit certifications. Inspired by Dziga Vertov's 'Man With a Movie Camera', I plan to take my films underwater and broaden the horizon of my storytelling.

Role at Mike's?

Retail Assistant turned Picker & Packer; collecting items from the shop floor, packing them into recycled boxes and dispatching them to your doorstep!

Favourite Type of Diving?

I enjoy the training aspect of diving; practicing in different bodies of water, refining techniques, skills and procedures in order to optimise my efficiency.

Favourite Diving Equipment?

My favourite piece of equipment is the Garmin MK3i 43mm. I don't own one, but I certainly want one. Outside of diving and filmmaking, I practice yoga each morning and I train Brazilian Jujitsu and Muay Thai in the evenings. I'm constantly pushing my body's limits and I believe the MK3i is the perfect tool to support that.

Dive Destination Bucket List?

Antarctica. I want to experience the physicality of the place and embrace the wonders of its landscapes from above and below its surface.

Kasia - Showroom Sales Support

Meet The Team: Kasia

Logged dives & dive credentials?

I have only just started my journey with diving but I fell in love with it from the very first breath under water. I travelled for over three month around The Philippines and Indonesia, during which I logged 32 dives and completed my Open water, Advanced, and Rescue courses with PADI. I can't wait to be able to dive again, learn and grow with further specializations and hopefully get my divemaster course done in the near future!

Role at Mike's Dive Store?

Showroom Sales Support

Most memorable diving experience?

For a new diver like myself, the underwater world is just so mesmerising, it is really hard to choose just one experience. So far, my first encounter with beautiful thresher sharks in Malapascua is probably on the top of the list. I also loved diving the intact, full of marine life, reefs of Komodo National Park. Another very memorable one, was a night dive on Siquijor's house reef - one of the most peaceful dives I've had with so many creatures around.

Favorite type of diving and why?

So far I've only had a chance to dive warm waters but I definitely enjoy those peaceful dives along the reef surrounded by colourful fish and other marine life. Night dives are also one of my favorites - gearing up with the sunset in the background and seeing the shift in animal activity. I feel like it make you appreciate what you actually look a lot more at since you can only see as far as your light source goes.

Current favorite dive equipment and why?

I don't have my own equipment yet but there are certainly a few bits that are on the top of my list. One of them is the Garmin MK3i which not only serves as an amazing dive computer and looks great but also has so much to offer as a sports watch. In my free time, you would always find me in the gym, running, doing yoga, hiking and being active in general so having a watch like that would accommodate all my needs. I would also love to get my hands on Scubapro Hydros Pro BCD in the future because of its comfort, back-inflate system, durability and compactness when needed.

Dive destination still on your bucket list and why?

Tubbataha Reef and Raja Ampat - beautiful corals and high density of marine species plus, I have a huge passion for Southeast Asia and just love spending my time there.

All time favorite marine creature & why?

Way too many to choose from… So far, I would probably say manta ray and thresher shark. The first one is just such a majestic creature and the latter, I mean, just look at those eyes and powerful long tail! I do, however, have a soft spot for all the “small stuff” too and love looking out for nudis during the dives.

Justin - Showroom Sales Support

Meet the Team - Justin

Logged dives & dive credentials?

I started to dive in Hong Kong back in 2019 and now I am a rescue diver. So far All of my dives were done in nice and warm water and I haven’t got the chance yet to dive in cold water/ drysuit, but I would love to give it a go in the future.

Role at Mike's Dive Store?

Showroom Sales Support

Most Memorable Diving Moment?

It has to be that one dive I did in Hithadhoo Corner, Maldives. We jumped off the boat and descended straight to the dive site right below us, the cleaning station. I was so blessed that I saw 10+ manta rays swimming around and getting themselves serviced by those little cleaner wrasses. They have a symbiotic relationship as the small cuties get fed and the manta rays have parasites, bacteria, and dead skin cells eliminated from their bodies. I am such a lucky guy on that day to see 20+ sea turtles in the drift dive afterwards as well. Genuinely fascinating and mind-blowing for a boy who grew up in Hong Kong.

Favourite type of diving and why?

All kinds of warm water diving. I enjoy so much being surrounded by colourful corals and fish. Having said that, I would still love to try diving in cold water.

Current favourite dive equipment and why?

I love my Scubapro Go Sport Fins as they generate enough power for me underwater, even in strong currents in the Maldives. Fourth Element Seeker Mask is my number one pick as it used to be hard for me to find a mask that really fits me.

Dive destination still on your Bucket list and why?

Raja Ampat – the heart of the coral triangle.

All time favourite marine creature & why?

This is a hard decision as I love basically everything marine! But I have to say otter! Simply too adorable and cute and lovely.

Dan - Showroom Sales Support

Meet The Team: Dan

Logged dives & dive credentials?

Although I have not been diving long, I am currently qualified as a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver and plan to complete the Rescue and Dive Master qualifications in the next couple of years. Most of the dives I have done have been abroad but since earning my Drysuit qualification in the autumn of 2023, I look forward to the challenges UK waters offer.

Role at Mike's Dive Store?

Showroom HQ Sales Support – I have a good knowledge across all of the products at Mikes, and detailed knowledge of OrcaTorches, the different options of masks and fins. I am constantly looking into dive equipment in my free time so I can give a more educated opinion.

Most memorable diving experience?

My first wall dive in Hurghada is my most memorable moment underwater. We took the boat from the pier, went out to what felt like the middle of the ocean and jumped in. Immediately there was an explosion of life all around us; the most vibrant and diverse reef I had ever seen. We saw lots of amazing ecosystems such as the cleaner wrasses in action. Truly fascinating. The instructor took us a little further down the wall when I spotted 2 Giant Moray Eels. I was struck in awe looking at the majestic creatures moving so effortlessly. I stared in admiration from afar for as long as I could before we turned the dive, just to see we had been followed by a Hawksbill Sea Turtle. That was the day that cemented my love for diving and the underwater world.

Favourite type of diving and why?

I love everything Marine and am open to all types of diving, but the one I love the most is just a basic reef dive, with no worries and aquatic life all around. I am amazed by all types of marine life, from the beautiful nudibranch to the majestic whales and all their behaviours, so if there is a chance to observe them, I will take it!

Current Dive Equipment (and future Wishlist)

As I have not been diving long and have owned gear for even less, I only have basics at the moment. Despite my current level of diving, I plan to become a much more technical diver in the future, so I did lots of research into gear that works for both. I currently have the Apeks VX1 mask with the RK3 HD fins which can help you easily traverse the calmest reef and hold your own against a serious current. I also have a Mares smart computer but as I get more advanced, I plan to migrate into the world of the Garmin computers such as the MK3. I plan to have a set of Scubapro Mk25 Evo G260 regs and the Scubapro Hydros Pro BCD (when I can afford them!). In my more recent research, I have fallen in love with the OrcaTorch series, and have my eye on the D710 dive light due to its high quality manufacturing and impressive lumen output for a low price.

All-time favourite marine creature and why?

I have a passionate love for all marine creatures, but if I had to pick one, it would be the Thresher Shark. With a tail as long as the rest of their body, they whip bait balls and other groups of prey at speeds up to 30MPH to stun them and get an easy meal. Their elegant movement and genius hunting tactics are awe-inspiring, but if that does not convince you to become a thresher shark fan, how about its adorable face?

Daisy the Scuba Dog

Daisy the Scuba Dog | Meet the Team

Logged dives & dive credentials?

Truly free diving and snorkelling enthusiast!

Role at Mike's Dive Store?

Daisy is the supervisor in her own right and Showroom's mascot. But do not be deceived by her looks. The chief supervisor of our eco-council she is a sworn enemy of plastic bottles and dedicated to catching and binning every single one of them.

All-time favourite creature & why?

Fox and rabbit - the quicker they run the better - she loves challenges.