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Top Tips on How to Keep Warm When Drysuit Diving

Top Tips on How to Keep Warm When Drysuit Diving

Lauren Mogg |

Top Tips on How to Keep Warm When Drysuit Diving

When diving in cooler waters, you’re most likely going to be diving in a drysuit. Drysuits are completely waterproof but are not designed to be used alone. You’ll need to purchase some extra gear as well if you’re using drysuits for extra warmth, insulation and protection from the cool water that surrounds you. 

Drysuits are designed to give you lots of room to put on multiple layers under your suit. If you tend to get cold throughout your dive, this is quite a nifty design. There are many different types of undersuits on the market. From thermal undersuits to one-piece and two-piece and even heated undersuits! So if you’re a diver that tends to get quite cold during your dive, then the drysuit might just be the best option for you. 

Top Tips on How to Keep Warm When Drysuit Diving - Mike's Dive Store

Pre-Dive Checklist 

Staying warm before your dive means you will take more heat into the water with you. So make sure to wrap up warm with extra clothing, such as jumpers, fluffy socks and hats if needed, so that you’re warmer before you dive. Also, don’t forget to bring a flask full of warm water for your hot drinks or soup so that it warms you up inside before you dive in. Talking of food, make sure that you don’t start your dive on an empty stomach. Eat properly and go for quick carbs and sugars to give you extra fuel. 

Be careful to not get wet before you jump in as this can make you colder quicker when diving. Don’t forget to check that your undersuit has been properly dried between dive days.

Invest in Thermal Undersuits 

Your drysuit should keep water out but it is your undersuit that does the lion’s share of the work with the insulating properties that keep you toasty warm. There are many different types of insulating undersuits on the market that are designed to keep you warm for long periods of time. 

Even the best drysuit will not perform to the fullest without a good quality undersuit. Having the right layer of undersuit will keep you warm and will enhance your scuba diving experience. Here are some of the different types of undersuits that you’ll want to consider when selecting your gear.

Base Layer

This is the first layer in contact with your skin. This base layer is designed to keep you dry by wicking water, such as perspiration, away from your skin. Even when you are relaxed, calm and comfortable your body sweats so your undersuit needs to be able to move this moisture away from the skin to prevent you from becoming damp and cold. Don’t be tempted to wear a standard cotton T-shirt underneath your undersuit as this will retain sweat and you’ll become damp under your drysuit. 

Top Tips on How to Keep Warm When Drysuit Diving - Mike's Dive Store

One-Piece and Two-Piece Undersuits

These do the job of trapping the body heat. Having a suitable layer of undersuit will keep you warm and enhance your cold water diving experience, therefore enjoying cold water diving more and for longer. Different types of undersuits to consider are One-piece, two-piece and undersuit socks

Top Tips on How to Keep Warm When Drysuit Diving - Mike's Dive StoreTop Tips on How to Keep Warm When Drysuit Diving - Mike's Dive Store

Heard of Heated Undersuits?

What a gift heated undersuits have become! They offer excellent protection against cold on their own or in combination with heating technology woven in heated undersuits. They will even keep you warm when their battery runs out. 

Top Tips on How to Keep Warm When Drysuit Diving - Mike's Dive Store

Heated undersuits are designed to make sure the parts of your body that can suffer the most from coldness are protected from excess cold, thus contributing to your diving experience even on longer dives. All suits and vests are equipped with a wireless controller and designed to be durable, extremely flexible and fully washable.

So if you tend to get really cold when diving or are diving in extremely cold temperatures, then the heated undersuit might just be the solution you’re looking for. Check out our range of top-quality heated undersuits

We’re Here to Help

There is a wide variety of undersuits out there in the market that are designed for every scuba diver’s needs. If you’re feeling overwhelmed about what undersuit will best suit your needs, please email us at support@mikesdivestore.com where we have a team of scuba diving professionals. Or if you live locally or in the surrounding areas of London, pop in and come visit us in-store where you can take a look at our range yourself and find the perfect undersuit for you. 

For a full list of equipment specs, check out the products on our store.