Night diving Tips For Beginner Scuba Divers

Night diving Tips For Beginner Scuba Divers

Night diving Tips For Beginner Scuba Divers 

Why is night diving so incredible and unique? Night diving offers an array of opportunities that you wouldn't find in the daylight. They’re always full of surprises because you'll never know what you may find hidden within the deep. Let's not forget that night diving is also super calming and relaxing. But of course, you need to be extra prepared before you embark on your night diving adventure. 

Read on to discover more about night diving, how it differs from day diving and some extra things you need to plan and pack for your night diving adventures. 

How Does Night Diving Differ From Day Diving?

Apart from the obvious about the water getting darker, there are many more ways in which night diving is completely different from day diving. 

Night diving is entirely different from diving during the day. From the added equipment you need to bring, to the way you dive and risk assessments involved. When diving during the day you can see all around you at once, while night diving is much different as you’re only focusing on one point. It challenges you to see a small part and closely observe it.

Night diving offers an array of opportunities that you wouldn't find in the daylight. It's highly calming and relaxing being submerged in dark waters with only light from your torch to guide your way. Colours also seem to feel more vivid as the torch light enhances the colours in its path. 

Night diving Tips For Beginner Scuba Divers - Mike's Dive Store

Bring The Correct Equipment 

Now you know just how incredible night diving can be, there are some things that you need to remember when planning and packing for your night diving experience. First off, is preparing the right equipment for your night dive. 

There are a few more things to consider when packing for your night dive. This is so that it ensures a safer and more enjoyable experience. The main added extras to pack are dive lights and extra exposure protection. 

Dive Light

When diving at night, you’ll need a torch to guide your way so that you can discover the underwater world around you. Make sure that you also bring a backup dive torch, just in case your first one fails. Before you go diving, check the batteries first and test out your dive torches to ensure they’re in good working order. 

In addition to your torches, it’s recommended to bring a snap light or a marker light. This is so it makes buddy location easier. 

Night diving Tips For Beginner Scuba Divers - Mike's Dive Store

Correct exposure protection

When diving at night, it's going to be colder than diving during the day. Prepare for this by using thicker or more exposure protection. Depending on where you’re diving and how cool the temperature gets, you may want to consider a hood, gloves, undergarments and drysuit. 

Plan Your Dive 

This goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway! Always plan your dive with your dive buddy before you jump in. Talk through the dive plan, how long you’ll be diving, where you’re diving and hand signals. If you’re unfamiliar with the dive site, ask the local dive centre about conditions, points of interest, reef locations, entry/exit points, etc. This is so you can get a better understanding of what to expect before you dive and so that it’s easier to navigate in the dark. 

Dive in The Daylight 

Get a better understanding of the dive site first before you plunge into the darkness by diving during the day. By diving during the day, you’ll gain knowledge of the layout of the dive site and key points of interest to make note of and visit again at night. This will not only make navigation easier but also allow you to see how a familiar dive site changes when the sun goes down.

Night diving Tips For Beginner Scuba Divers - Mike's Dive Store

Research Before You Dive

Is there a particular dive site that you want to dive in? Do your research about this dive location before you dive it so you know the main focus points, the layout and the possible risks. Doing this will make you better prepared for the dive ahead and decrease the possibility of accidents occurring. 

Night diving Tips For Beginner Scuba Divers - Mike's Dive Store

Stay Close to Your Buddy 

Keep your buddy close to you at all times and keep a close eye on their location. You don’t want to be separated from your buddy, especially when night diving, in case you or your buddy needs each other. Constantly maintain awareness of your buddy’s location and communicate the plan before your dive. Instruct them to keep their torch on and stay close throughout the dive so you know where they are.

We’re Here to Help 

Night diving is such a unique and incredible experience. I recommend that all divers need to experience night diving at least once! If you have any questions about night diving or any of the equipment I’ve mentioned, please email us at where we have a team of scuba diving professionals here to help you select the right gear for your diving needs.