Nutrition for Scuba Diving: Fueling Your Underwater Adventure

Nutrition for Scuba Divers

Scuba diving is an exciting adventure sport that involves exploring the underwater world. However, taking care of your body while engaging in this activity is equally important. Being underwater can trigger physiological demands on your body, making it critical to have the right nutrition to maintain your energy levels. This blog post will discuss quick and easy nutrition tips every scuba diver should know.

1. Keep Hydrated

Despite being surrounded by vast amounts of water divers are prone to dehydration. Breathing dry, compressed gas and diuresis (increased production of urine) underwater play a factor in dehydration. Dehydration can lead to decreased blood circulation, limiting the gas exchange, promoting bubble formation which increases the chance of DCS (Decompression Sickness). As a scuba diver, staying hydrated is crucial to keep your body healthy and energized. Drinking sufficient water helps to reduce fatigue and muscle cramps.  So the proper hydration level is crucial in safe, happy and enjoyable scuba diving. Here are some tips to stay hydrated while scuba diving:

  • Carry electrolyte tablets with you on your dive trips.
  • Have a water bottle with you and fill it up on regular basis
  • Don't leave it until you feel thirsty. 
  • Drink water in small amounts throughout the day.
Nutrition for Scuba DIving - Hydration

2. Best Foods for Scuba Divers

The ideal meal before diving should be lightweight and easily digestible. It should include sources of complex carbohydrates and fat, fruits or vegetables, and water. Good sources of carbohydrates include cereals, rice or pasta, while some excellent sources of fat such as yoghurt, nuts, almonds, dark chocolate, and olive oil. It's important you are getting enough protein in your diet to support tissue repair and recovery. Eating more proteins from sources like eggs, fish, and meat can help achieve good protein intake. It is recommended to include these foods at dinnertime. A balanced dinner with the right dose of proteins can help keep your body healthy and strong. Here are some power foods great for scuba diving nutrition:

  • Fruits including dried
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Spinach
  • Brown rice
  • Shrimp
  • Wholemeal pasta
  • Poultry
Nutrition for Scuba Diving - Good Foods

3. Foods and Drinks to Avoid During Scuba Diving

Certain types of food can cause digestive issues, leading to discomfort and decreasing your overall underwater experience. In terms of not-so-good nutrition for scuba diving - fatty, spicy, greasy, and industrial pastries can slow your digestion. Fermented foods such as cabbage and some beans should also be avoided. Additionally, diving on a full stomach is not recommended, and there should be a couple of hours between your last meal and the next dive. Keep an eye on how much you drink, as alcohol it's full of calories and a significant contributing factor in dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic and can cause the body to lose fluids quickly. This means that when you drink alcohol, your kidneys will excrete more water than usual, dehydrating you. A couple of G&Ts or Tequila Sunrise at the end of the day and only after your last dive for the day will not do any harm, but make sure you drink plenty of water afterwards. Foods and drinks recommended to be avoided when scuba diving:

  • Fizzy and carbonated drinks
  • Alcohol-containing drinks
  • Avoid high-fat, greasy foods, which can slow digestion and cause digestive issues. 
  • Avoid sugary, high-calorie snacks, which can cause a sugar crash underwater. 
Nutrition for Scuba Diving - Bad Foods

4. Timing of Eating When Diving

Managing when and how much you should eat while diving is essential to avoid digestion slowdowns. It is recommended main meals should be consumed two hours or more before diving, while a snack about 30 minutes before would be appropriate. If you're diving, it's important to understand the impact that food can have on your dive performance. Eating before a dive can help to fuel your body and keep energy levels up during extended dive sessions. However, eating before a dive can cause digestive issues if not managed correctly. Here are a few tips for eating before a dive for correct nutrition for scuba diving: 

  • Consume your main meals two hours or more before the dive. 
  • Eat light snacks about 30 minutes before diving. 
  • Drink plenty of water before and after the dive to stay hydrated. 
Nutrition for Scuba Divers - Timing

5. Nutritional Benefits of Snacks

When it comes to nutrition for scuba diving, snacks are important. Not only do they provide you with the quick energy boost you need while underwater, but they can also help maintain your energy levels during and after a dive. Energy bars, trail mix, fruit, and protein bars are some of the most popular snacks for scuba divers. These snacks are lightweight, easy to carry and provide great nutritional benefits. Energy bars are packed with vitamins and minerals that help you stay energized throughout your dive, as well as providing essential proteins for muscle recovery post-dive. Trail mix contains a variety of nuts and dried fruits, which are excellent sources of energy and fibre, while also providing essential minerals such as magnesium and zinc. Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and natural sugar that can help fuel your dive. Finally, protein bars offer essential proteins for muscle recovery post-dive, helping to keep you energized in between dives. So whether you're an experienced or novice diver, don't forget to pack some snacks before your next dive! With the right snacks in tow, you can be sure that nothing will stand in the way of a successful dive. 

Nutrition for Scuba Diving - Snacks

Scuba diving is an exciting adventure sport, and it allows you to explore the underwater world. However, it is essential to fuel your underwater adventure and provide and provide your body with the right elements it needs to perform at its best. With these quick nutrition tips, every diver can maintain their energy levels underwater. Stay hydrated, eat the right foods, exercise, and enjoy exploring the underwater world!